Fair Photos
The inaugural Bearrison Street Fair was held on Saturday, October 23, 2021. See our links below for all the amazing photos we’ve had throughout the years, including our official Bearrison Photos by Gooch.
Photos by Gooch
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc., is a 21st Century Order of queer nuns. Since their first appearance in San Francisco on Easter Sunday, 1979, the Sisters have been accused of "Ruining It For Everyone" with their habitual injection of gaiety into serious affairs including human rights, political activism and religious intolerance. The Sisters consider it their mission to "ruin" all detrimental conditions including complacency, guilt and the inability to laugh at one's self. Please continue to check our calendar on www.thesisters.org, we are always adding new material and events.
Formed in 1994, the Bears of San Francisco is an all-inclusive community-based association that benefits the greater Bay Area through fundraising, service, and socializing. More information can be found at www.bosf.org.
Pursuant to SF Health Code Article 19L, Bearrison is a smoke-free outdoor event, including electronic cigarettes.